Custom Teacher Stamp - Self Inking TA306

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This is a premium quality self-inking stamp for you to customise with your own text.

  • Self Inking stamps are quick and easy to use as they do not require a separate inkpad.
  • They are available in Black, Red, Blue, Green or Violet ink colours.
  • The image size is approximately 45x15mm, depending on the number of characters.
  • If you are a parent, this is a popular choice as a gift for your child's teacher.



Step 1:  Click on the box at the top right hand corner that says "click here to enter your custom text". This will take you to a dialogue box.

Step 2:  Follow the instructions in the dialogue box then add the stamp to your basket. You can then continue shopping, or complete the checkout.


Please ask if you wish to see a proof of your stamp before it is made.

Please allow up to 7 working days to make the stamp, plus shipping time.